Temperature-Controlled Logistics For Pharmaceuticals

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Temperature-controlled logistics are an essential element in ensuring that medicinal products arrive at their destination in the same form they were in when they left their point of origin. Variations in temperatures can spoil medications and make them ineffective. The following transport tips should be addressed when preparing products for shipment.

Point Of Contact

Each point of contract that packages undergo could compromise the quality of medicines. Many medicinal products need to be stored within a refrigeration unit. This type of storage should begin at the place of business where a product has been manufactured. Throughout the shipping process, medicine will be handled by various freight professionals. Someone may be responsible for picking up the products and transporting them to a cargo freightliner or an airplane.

Once medicine arrives in the town where it will be distributed, it may wind up in a temporary storage unit, until it reaches its final destination. If medicine needs to be transported a long distance, there is a higher likelihood that products will change hands several times. A shipper should ensure that each transport person has access to a temperature-controlled vehicle or storage unit. Additionally, they should read over their storage methods, to ensure that they are in compliance with the transport and storage guidelines that are set forth for medicines.

Tracking, Cargo Placement, And Temperature Control

Some pharmaceutical transport services offer tracking access. Tracking access will allow a shipper to acquire information about where a shipment is in real-time. It is a shipper's responsibility to make sure that products arrive at their destination at the time that has been planned. A margin of error should be identified. This margin of error will still guarantee that a product arrives as expected, even if a shipment was delayed.

A short variation in the time expected may not have a negative impact on a product, as long as adequate storage methods have been implemented throughout the transport process. When working with a new transport carrier, a shipper should learn about the cargo placement and temperature control methods that a transporter uses. Cargo should remain in an insulated storage area that is temperature-regulated.

Products should never be placed by the doors of a vehicle since this could lead to a variation in the temperature where a product is stored. A shipper should also inquire about the temperature control method that is used to transport medicinal products, including whether or not a backup temperature-regulated device is available for use.

For more information, contact a local company, like Aero Logistics.
